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Getting used to dentures can take time, especially if they are brand new and you've never worn them earlier. Information technology is perfectly normal for your new dentures to feel strange at kickoff, just with a little patience, you should get used to them. Notwithstanding, at that place are some means to help this process become a niggling more smoothly.

When yous put whatsoever type of denture on for the showtime time information technology can exist an uncomfortable experience, and you may become witting of your appearance. Not only are you possibly facing lowered cocky-esteem and insecurities from missing teeth, but you besides have to adjust to wearing false teeth.

getting used to dentures
With a niggling time and patience you should get used
to dentures

Nosotros want you to feel confident, and comfortable wearing your dentures as soon as possible. Then, hither are our superlative 5 tips for getting used to them:

  1. Practice speaking out loud
  2. Larn how to eat while wearing dentures
  3. Wearing false teeth for longer while yous adjust
  4. Practice denture slipping
  5. Taking care of your dentures

These simple tips can brand a big difference in how quickly yous adjust to your dentures. And so, allow's get started on how to implement them, so you can get back to feeling like yourself.

Table of contents

  • 1 Adjusting to new dentures
  • 2 How practice yous get used to wearing dentures?
    • 2.ane Exercise speaking out loud
    • 2.ii Larn how to eat while wearing dentures
      • two.2.i What sort of foods tin can you consume with new dentures?
      • 2.2.2 What foods should y'all avoid with dentures?
    • two.3 Practice denture slipping
    • 2.4 Wearing dentures for longer while yous adjust
    • 2.5 Taking intendance of your dentures
  • 3 How long does information technology take to become used to wearing dentures?
  • 4 Decision
  • v FAQs
    • v.1 Practice dentures ever experience normal?
    • five.2 What if I never get used to wearing dentures?

Adjusting to new dentures

Dentures are the most common, and affordable way to replace missing teeth. And, although y'all may think of them equally uncomfortable or bad-mannered, modern-mean solar day dentures are actually a lot more comfortable than they were in the past.

If you are getting dentures after teeth extractions then, of course, they are going to feel very different to your natural teeth. But, don't allow this put you lot off. You will somewhen adjust to your new dentures, whichever type they are, with a little patience.

Before we get started it'southward worth mentioning how important it is that your removable teeth fit properly. Work closely with your dentist or dental technician when getting the last adjustments. Spending the time making sure they fit correctly from the start can get a long fashion to getting you used to them faster.

Some find that their NHS dentures don't fit, and need to get them readjusted.

How exercise you lot get used to wearing dentures?

Your dentist will give you a lot of information and advice when you first go your new false teeth, but possibly the most important is that it takes time and patience. So, permit's dive into our v tips.

Practice speaking out loud

Speaking out loud enables you to get used to talking with others while wearing your new dentures. A good mode to do this is by reading out loud. At showtime, yous might talk with a lisp which is normal whether yous accept full, or partial dentures. Persevere equally this should disappear with more practice.

Equally you read out loud, you may notice there are a few words that you have difficulty saying. Keep a list of these words so that you can practice later.

Avoid difficult, viscid or chew foods with dentures

Learn how to swallow while wearing dentures

When eating with full or fractional dentures for the first time, you volition find that your gums need time to go accepted to the pressure. Chewing might even cause your gums to feel sore are kickoff, and biting into different foods may cause pain.

What sort of foods tin can you consume with new dentures?

Learning what foods crusade more discomfort can help you avoid soreness or irritation of the gums. Soft foods are an obvious starting identify when it comes to learning how to eat with simulated teeth. Some food options to endeavour in the first few days include:

  • Mashed potatoes or vegetables
  • Baked beans
  • Ice foam
  • Smoothies
  • Eggs
  • Soup
  • Pureed foods

When you lot are ready, you can try moving on to more solid foods, such as:

  • Rice
  • Pasta
  • Staff of life
  • Fish
  • Cooked vegetables

What foods should you lot avert with dentures?

Foods that denture wearers should avoid include hard, viscid, or chewy foods. Cut more than solid foods into modest pieces and endeavour not to seize with teeth downward with your front end teeth. Try to utilise your back teeth instead and chew food on both the left and right sides of your mouth.

This will brand sure you don't affect the alignment of your faux teeth. Over time you volition adapt to your new bite and be able to swallow more than efficiently.

Practise denture slipping

Denture slipping is the act of readjusting your denture discreetly in public. Your imitation teeth volition most likely sideslip at some indicate, whether it is from a coughing, sneeze, express joy or even a smile. If you seize with teeth down on your denture and swallow you should exist able to reset it into the right position.

Wearing dentures for longer while yous adjust

When yous first get permanent dentures, your dentist or dental technician might tell you that keeping them on longer will help y'all get used to them. If y'all remove your dentures ofttimes during the twenty-four hour period, y'all may non get used to having them on for longer periods of time.

Taking intendance of your dentures

Knowing how to correctly clean and care for your dentures will help them to feel normal. And, it will cease them from causing discomfort, or sore spots in your mouth in the future.

soak dentures at night
Go along dentures moist by soaking them in water

Make sure your dentures don't dry out. Just similar your remaining teeth and gums are constantly covered with saliva, they should remain moist. Don't use hot or humid water to soak or launder your false teeth in example they warp or change shape. Don't soak dentures in Steradent overnight, and be careful when cleaning a partial denture with any small attachments.

Some other important pace to think is to brush your simulated teeth, gums and natural language with a soft brush. This will aid to articulate bacteria, plaque and food particles from your oral cavity so that you don't go sore spots, mucilage disease or tooth decay in your remaining teeth.

How long does it take to go used to wearing dentures?

It tin can take anywhere between four and eight weeks to adjust to wearing a denture. If your removable teeth are taking longer to experience normal, or are causing you lot pain, speak to your dentist to find a solution. Your tongue, cheeks, gums and lips may all demand longer than simply the first few days to conform, and so be patient.

If y'all want to know more than about how to make your dentures fit better, read our article to learn more.


Getting used to false teeth is not always easy, and it can take time for your mouth to become used to them. It can besides accept yous time to have confidence in yourself and with your advent later getting a new denture.

There are ways to make this process slightly smoother. Eat soft foods before moving on to more solid foods, practice speaking out loud and readjusting your denture discretely, and brand sure to care for them correctly.

Use our tips to aid you get used to your dentures, but call back to give yourself enough of time and patience. And, if you feel like you are just not getting used to them, or they are causing you lot discomfort, speak to your dentist to observe a solution.


Do dentures ever feel normal?

Your new dentures may feel uncomfortable in the beginning few days. Just, dentures take more than than a few days, or fifty-fifty weeks to go used to, so take patience and give them fourth dimension.

What if I never get used to wearing dentures?

If your dentures never kickoff to feel comfortable or but experience like they simply don't fit properly, speak to your dentist every bit they might demand adjusting, or a denture reline.

New dentures might need more adjustments to become them fitting correctly. If your false teeth used to fit, only are now causing you discomfort, information technology may be that your rima oris and jawbone take inverse shape over fourth dimension. Either fashion, make sure y'all speak to your dentist to get this resolved.

Getting Used to Dentures: v Tips for Adjusting to Full and Fractional Dentures

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Amanda Dexter

Amanda combines her medical background with her love for writing to bring you informed and accurate content at


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